
Printing in the Demography Department

The following describes several ways to gain access to the department printers for moderate use.

Printers available

  • Standalone printers in individual offices (see Dave Murphy for details)
  • Canon photocopier (Reproduction). The department photocopier is an excellent color, duplexing printer, printing with resolution up to 1200dpi. It is also a very capable scanner with document feed.
  • HP Laserjet 4200 (Cohort). An older but reliable workhorse for printing duplex, black and white copy.

Printer access from Campus WiFi (eduroam, campus VPN) and offices in SSB.

Access to the printers is restricted to those with accounts on our system (via noMachine), those with ethernet connections in offices in the department, eduroam wifi users, and those connecting through the campus VPN.

  • CalVisitor will NOT work. You must use eduroam or connect via the campus VPN.
  • Also note: you must disable any external VPN while configuring the printer and while actually printing.
  • The campus' official VPN does seem to work with the printing directions given below, which gives you a way to print remotely or from home.

Printing from a USB key

A standard method for printing to this printer is to print to PDF, write the PDF file to a USB key, and then print from the USB / PDF while standing in front of the copier. Dave Murphy has posted a how-to sheet next to the photocopier.

Printer access via NoMachine

NoMachine requires that you login to our system and you therefore have the right to print on our printers. Assuming that you have logged in to your NoMachine remote desktop, the following steps will allow you to print on the department printers:

  • step back to the configuration mode, either by typing the shortcut <cntl><alt>0 or by mousing over the upper right edge of the desktop until you see the edge 'peel back' and click.
  • Choose to change Devices / Connect a Printer
  • You will see a list of Remote Printers which are the printers supported on our network [cohort SSB-Reproduction, SSB-Reproduction-noduplex].
  • Import the chosen Remote Printer (e.g. SSB-Reproduction) to be a local printer with Private Connection. The icon for the printer should show a green dot if you have made a successful connection
  • step back through the screens to get back to the noMachine desktop using the arrows in the upper left
  • look on your machine for a newly created printer, which you may now use when connected via NoMachine.


First, make sure that you have an internet connection over campus eduroam (not CalVisitor) or are using the campus VPN. Settings / Printers and Scanners / Add a printer or scanner / printer that I want isn't listed / Select a shared printer by hostname or address, using IPP protocol. In the box enter (NB: at the moment, SSB-Reproduction is the color and duplexing configuration, while SSB-Reproduction-noduplex is the same, but set to print single sided by default,k and cohort is the B/W HP Laserjet). The Add Printer Wizard dialog may prompt you to choose the printer driver, but recent versions of Windows fall back to using a generic IPP driver, which should work just fine). You can always use a generic postscript driver, but then you will not have access to all the features of the particular printer.

Mac / OSX

As has happened before, Apple buys into a standard (CUPS) and breaks it enough to make life hell. What used to work no longer is straightforward. Here is an overly complicated sequence to configure a system printer. It appears to work on OSX 12.6.7. Your luck may be different:

  1. Visit This will download the PPD file which defines the attributes of the Canon printer. You will use this in a later step.
  2. Visit localhost:631 in a browser. You may get an instruction on how to enable the web interface for CUPS. Follow that instruction and then return to localhost:631
  3. Open a terminal window. Type the following: sudo lpadmin -p myReproduction -v -E -o printer-is-shared=false (all on one line), where myReproduction is a name you want to use for the printer on your system.
  4. Now, we need to modify the printer which was just created. In the browser window, visit Printers and choose the new printer. Then choose Administration / Modify Printer from the pulldown menu. Choose continue to keep the URI of https, choose continue or modify any fields that suits and then continue. Do not share the printer.
  5. Now you will use the downloaded PPD file to fill in the capabilities of the printer: Browse and then select the .ppd file, and then choose Modify.
  6. go back to the Administration menu and set the defaults for your printer. Under Finishing is the choice for Duplexing. Set that as you wish.
  7. Under the Maintenance menu, you can print a test page of your new printer.

List of Demography Printers

Printer nameModel|!LocationSpecial features
SSB-ReproductionCanon iR-ADV C5235/5240 (PS3)photocpier Rm 327 Social Sciences Buildinguse this instance to print color (duplex)
SSB-Reproduction-noduplexCanon iR-ADV C5235/5240 (PS3)photocpier Rm 327 Social Sciences Buildinguse this instance to print color (single-sided)
cohortHP LaserJet 4200corner of Seminar roomB/W, duplex